Growth and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Loci Analysis of Myostatin Gene in ENU Mutagenesis Grass Carp Family
WANG Chenglong, CHEN Jie, JIANG Xiayun, ZOU Shuming
Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources for Freshwater Aquaculture and Fisheries, Ministry of Agricultureand Rural Affairs, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
Abstract:Juveniles of mutagenesis grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) in four families were reared in a 6 m × 4 m × 1.5 m cement pond for 175 days to compare the growth. Significant comparisons, partial correlation analysis, and factor analysis statistical methods were used to analyze body weight, total length, body length, head length, body depth, caudal peduncle length, caudal peduncle height, and body width and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci of myostatin (MSTN) gene MSTN1 and MSTN2 genes in families with significant differences screened by two-way sequencing. There was significantly better growth in family 4 than that in family 3, with significantly higher 8 characters in family 4 than in the other families (P<0.05). The partial correlation analysis of the relationship between the morphological traits and body weight indicated that there were correlation coefficient of 0.357 between total length and body weight, 0.619 between body length and body weight, 0.608 between caudal peduncle length and body weight, and 0.396 between body width and body weight in family 1; there were correlation coefficient of 0.348 between total length and body weight, 0.360 between body length and body weight, 0.687 between head length and body weight, and -0.384 between body width and body weight in family 2; in family 3 there were correlation coefficient of 0.529 total length, 0.449 body length, -0.351 caudal peduncle length, and 0.384 caudal peduncle height; and in family 4 there were 0.629 total length, 0.543 body length, and 0.590 body width, showing the significat difference in growth between family 4 and family 3. For MSTN1, 465 nt C/G and 467 nt G/A in family 3, and 465 nt C/G in family 4 were found missense mutations; For MSTN2, 912 nt C/T in family 3 and family 4 was found synonymous mutation, 1027 nt G/A in family 3,and 366 nt A/G and in family 4 were found missense mutations, and SNP sites were found in both noncoding regions 1390 nt A/T and 1401 nt G/A in both families. The findings indicate that the SNPs of MSTN1 and MSTN2 genes are closely related to the growth traits of ENU mutagenesis grass carp.
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