Effect of Three Types of Water Quality Control Methods on Sediment Enzyme Activity in Sea Cucumber Pond
WEI Yanan1, ZHANG Dongsheng1, LIN Qing1, SUN Guangwei1, LEI Zhaolin1, ZHANG Jinyuan1, GUO Chao2, CHEN Jifeng2, ZHOU Wei1,3
1.College of Fisheries and Life Science, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China; 2.Haida Group, Guangzhou510000, China; 3.Dalian Fisheries Association of Industrial Technology Innovation, Dalian 116023, China
Abstract:This paper reported the annual changes in the activities of amylase, protease, alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenase in sea cucumber sediments under three types of water quality control methods from October 2015 to September 2016. The results showed that under the three water quality control methods, the annual change in amylase activity in the pond sediments was 0.126—0.880 mg/g, the annual mean value (0.410±0.180) mg/g, the annual change of protease activity was 0.024—0.472 mg/g, the annual mean value (0.190±0.103) mg/g, the annual change in alkaline phosphatase activity was 0.068—1.042 mg/g, the annual mean value (0.340±0.196) mg/g, and the annual change in dehydrogenase activity was 12.092—52.794 mL/g, annual mean value (26.980±8.295) mL/g.The activities of protease, alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenase in the pond sediments under the three water quality control methods were the highest in the natural tidal water quality control method ponds with the largest variation range.The mean value of amylase activity was the lowest in natural ponds and the highest in the water regulating machine system ponds.This is related to the lowest organic matter in the water regulating machine system ponds, the highest content of organic matter in the natural pond, and the highest bacterial diversity and the highest number of fungi in the water regulating machine system ponds. This indicates that the water regulating machine system can quickly remove the organic compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus from the sediments, which is beneficial to the normal material circulation of the pond. In this paper, from the perspective of sediment enzyme activity, the mechanism of the difference between the effect of the water regulating machine system and the other two water quality control methods was discussed.
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