Effect of Dopamine Injection on Aggressive Behavior of Chinese Mitten Crab
DAI Liang1,2, LI Xiaodong2, LI Yi3, LIU Handi1,2, CAO Meng1,2, ZHENG Yan2, SUN Na2
1.Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China; 2.Research & Development Center of Panjin Guanghe, Liaoning Key Laboratory of Chinese Mitten Crab Breeding, Professional and Technical Innovation Platform of Chinese Mitten Crab of Liaoning Guanghe, Enterprise Engineering Technology Research Center, Panjin 124200, China; 3.Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China
Abstract:A total of 100 male first-year-old Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis in the same family were divided into four groups, and injected with 20 μL saline (control group), 10-8, 10-7 and 10-6 mol of dopamine solution at the arterial membranes of the fifth pereiopod. The crab was put into PE pipe with diameter of 20 cm and height of 40 cm (12 holes with diameter of 5 mm were drilled uniformly at the bottom). Two individuals were dumped in two opaque beakers in the test containers and placed on the opposite side of PE tube for 1 hour, and at the beginning of the experiment, two beakers were taken out at the same time. Closed-circuit camera was used to observe aggressive behavior, and to record the fighting duration, fighting frequency, fighting score and the relationship between success and failure of the two crabs within 4 hours to explore the effect of neurotransmitter dopamine on the aggressive behavior of Chinese mitten crab. At the end of the fight, test crabs and three crabs in the control group were quickly sampled, and the content of dopamine was determined by ELISA enzyme immunoassay in the hemolymph. It was found that there was the longest period of fighting in the crab in the control group, significant difference between the control group and the dopamine injection groups (P<0.05). In the dopamine injection groups, the fighting duration was decreased with the increase in the dopamine dose. The fighting intensity of crab was shown to be lower in control group than that in 10-8 mol group, higher than those in other dopamine injection groups, and with significant difference between each injection group (P<0.05). In the dopamine injection groups, the fighting intensity was decreased with the increase in dopamine dosage, with the maximal fighting intensity in 10-8 mol group, significant difference among the groups (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in fighting frequency between control group and 10-7 mol group (P>0.05), significant difference between control group and other groups (P<0.05). In the dopamine injection groups, fighting frequency was decreased with the increase in injection dosage. There was significant difference between 10-8 mol group and other groups (P<0.05), without significant difference between 10-7 mol group and 10-6 mol group (P>0.05). At the end of the fighting, the winners had the same dopamine level in hemolymph as the normal level, significantly higher than those in the losers (P<0.05). The findings show that dopamine injection leads to significant decrease in fighting behavior of Chinese mitten crab as increase in dopamine dosage.
代亮, 李晓东, 李艺, 刘汉堤, 曹萌, 郑岩, 孙娜. 注射多巴胺对中华绒螯蟹打斗行为的影响[J]. 水产科学, 2020, 39(3): 324-331.
DAI Liang, LI Xiaodong, LI Yi, LIU Handi, CAO Meng, ZHENG Yan, SUN Na. Effect of Dopamine Injection on Aggressive Behavior of Chinese Mitten Crab. 水产科学, 2020, 39(3): 324-331.
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