Effects of Shell Phenotypic Traits on Body Weight of Clam Lutraria sieboldii
ZOU Jie1,PENG Huijing1, ZHANG Shoudu2, ZHANG Yue1, YANG Jialin3
1. Guangxi Institute of Oceanology, Beihai 536000, China; 2. National Oceanographic Center, Qingdao 266071, China; 3. Beibu Gulf University, Qinzhou 535000, China
Abstract:Shell length (x1), shell height (x2), shell width (x3), shell weight (x4), body weight (y1) and soft part weight (y2) were measured in 150 samples of clam Lutraria sieboldii randomly collected from the 20-month-old population bred in 2 generations and cultured in the 5—7 m-deep sediment tidal zone and correlated by path analysis to evaluate the effects of shell phenotypic traits on body weight of the clam. It was found that the maximal coefficient of variance was in shell weight, with very significant difference in correlation coefficients between the phenotypic traits among the phenotypic parameters of the clam(P<0.01),followed by the correlation coefficients between body weight and shell weight and soft-body weight (over 0.850). The multiple regression analysis indicated that shell weight had a major effect on body weight traits of the clam, with the path coefficient of 0.369 between shell weight and body weight, and larger path coefficient of up to 0.657 between shell weight and shell length. The effect of shell weight on soft part weight was reduced, with path coefficient of 0.436 between shell weight and body weight, 0.086 higher than that between shell weight and shell length, greater direct effect of shell weight than the indirect effect. The regression equation was expressed as y1=-14.769+0.613x1+2.002x4 (r2=0.806) between shell length (x1) and shell weight (x4) to body weight (y1) and y2=-0.980+0.281x1+0.500x4 (r2=0.549) between soft part weight (y2), r2<0.850, indicating that other factors had a impact on body weight traits. The findings provide basic data for the selection of traits for clam L. sieboldii.
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