水产科学  2020, Vol. 39 Issue (4): 631-638    DOI: 10.16378/j.cnki.1003-1111.2020.04.024
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吴甘林1,2, 邓玉婷1,3, 姜兰1, 谭爱萍1, 赵飞1, 张瑞泉1
1.中国水产科学研究院 珠江水产研究所,农业农村部渔用药物创制重点实验室,广东省免疫技术重点实验室,广东 广州 510380;
2.上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院,上海 201306;
3.农业部水产品质量安全控制重点实验室,北京 100141
Overview of Plasmid Media Quinolone Resistance in Bacteria from Aquatic Animals
WU Ganlin1,2, DENG Yuting1,3, JIANG Lan1, TAN Aiping1, ZHAO Fei1 , ZHANG Ruiquan1
1. Key Laboratory of Fishery Drug Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China, Key Laboratory of Aquatic Animal Immune Technology, Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Guangzhou 510380, China;
2. College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;
3. Key laboratory of Control of Quality and Safety for Aquatic Products, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China, Beijing 100141, China