Nitrite and Ammonia Removal Patterns of 6 Species or Genera of Microalgae Exposed to Mixed Inorganic Nitrogen
GOU Wanli1, LI Ziying2, WU Xinhua2, WEN Shuangxi1, YANG Zhi1
1. College of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Guiyang University, Guiyang 550005, China; 2. Qingdao Vland Biotech Incorporation, Qingdao 266000, China
Abstract:The nitrite and ammonia removal patterns of 6 microalgal species or genera, including 3 diatoms, and 3 members in chlorophyto were primarily studied by analyzing the variation trend of cell density, nitrite concentration, and the ammonia concentration in the modified F/2 medium whose nitrogen source was the mixture of ammonia, nitrate and nitrite. The results showed that all microalgae grew very well and completed a whole growth cycle. In the initial stage of the growth cycle (2—3 d), each strain removed above 95% of the ammonia, with the maximal relative removal rate of 0.999 mg/(L·d) in Pyramimonas sp. KDN21 and the minimal relative removal rate of 0.639 mg/(L·d) in Amphora sp. KDN17. Most strains slowly removed a little nitrite (lower than 35%) during this stage, and their relative removal rates were not exceed 0.035 mg/(L·d); Amphora sp. KDN17 was the only microalga which sharply removed up to 65% of the nitrite, with relative removal rate of 0.322 mg/(L·d). In the middle to late stages of the growth cycle (3—6 d), their relative removal rates were lower than 0.020 mg/(L·d), although removed almost all NH+4-N, all strains still removed a little nitrite. These findings indicated that the majority of microalga grew on the mixture inorganic nitrogen sources composed of ammonia, nitrate and nitrite removed massive ammonia, but a little nitrite. Amphora sp. KDN17 was the only one which removed massive ammonia and nitrite simultaneously, so as a probable candidate strain for controlling the water ammonia and nitrite concentration.
苟万里, 李自英, 武心华, 文双喜, 杨智. 混合无机氮源下6株微藻对亚硝态氮、氨氮净化规律初探[J]. 水产科学, 2020, 39(5): 685-693.
GOU Wanli, LI Ziying, WU Xinhua, WEN Shuangxi, YANG Zhi. Nitrite and Ammonia Removal Patterns of 6 Species or Genera of Microalgae Exposed to Mixed Inorganic Nitrogen. 水产科学, 2020, 39(5): 685-693.
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