Abstract:Female Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis with body weight of 50—70 g was reared in a 2.5 m×3.75 m×1.0 m PE bucket with PVC boards and aquatic grass at water temperature of 19.2—28.5 ℃. When the Chinese mitten crab was molted for reproduction, 30 female individuals were still cultured for 60 days, and 3 samples were dissected at random every 5—10 d to measure ovarian weight and body weight and to sample a small amount of ovarian tissue which was fixed in Bouin′s solution for histological observation in order to evaluate the survival rate, weight gain rate and ovarian development pattern. The mean survival rate was found to be (71.11±3.85)% and weight gain rate to be (54.60±4.93)% in the female Chinese mitten crab molted for reproduction. The ovary was shown to be developed slowly within the first 20 days, and then entered the rapid development stage, with mean gonadosomatic index of (7.43±0.23)% in 60 days. The female Chinese mitten crab had oocytes with increasing diameter as the development of ovary, with the long diameter of 280 μm in 60 days. The major histological changes in the ovary were observed in the female from 20 days to 50 days, the transition from the endogenous yolk oocyte to the near-mature oocyte, with increase in gonadosomatic index from (1.48±0.09)% to (6.83±0.51)%.
葛永春, 吴旭干. 中华绒螯蟹生殖蜕壳后卵巢发育规律的研究[J]. 水产科学, 2020, 39(5): 766-770.
GE Yongchun, WU Xugan. Ovarian Development of Chinese Mitten Crab Eriocheir sinensis after Genital Molting. 水产科学, 2020, 39(5): 766-770.
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