Artificial Propagation and Embryonic Development in New Strain of Bigscale Loach Paramisgurnus dabryanus
MA Benhe1, TAO Zhiying1, WU Zaobao2, WU Bin1, WANG Haihua1, XU Xiandong1, CHEN Cuiyun3
1. Jiangxi Fisheries Research Institute, Nanchang 330039, China; 2. Fisheries Bureau of Yingtan City, Yingtan 335000, China; 3. Yujiang Hongxin Special Aquaculture Limited Corporation, Yingtan 335200, China
Abstract:A new strain of bigscale loach Paramisgurnus dabryan, “Ganhong No.1”, with body weight of (56.92±3.23) g were induced to spawn by injection of mixture of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone A2, domperidone and chorionic gonadotropin at water temperature of (26.0±1.0) ℃. After the eggs were fertilized in 14.7 h by semi-dry artificial insemination, the developmental phases and morphological characteristics of embryo were observed and described in order to understand the embryonic development characteristics of variation of body color of bigscale loach “Ganhong No.1” strain. It was found that the “Ganhong No.1” had success rate of 93.4%, fertilization rate of 76.7%, and hatching rate of 72.3%. The fertilized eggs were demersal and adhensive, expansion after water absorption, with average diameter of 1052.49 μm. The fertilized eggs were hatched via 7 stages including blastoderm, cleavage, blastula, gastrula, neuroblasts, organogenesis and hatching under the conditions of water temperature of (26.9±0.8) ℃, dissolved oxygen level≥8.25 mg/L, and pH 8.2, with total accumulative temperature of 713.25 ℃·h. Newly hatched larvae with an average total length of 3193.42 μm had no melanin, and submergenced to the bottom, and occasionally making irregular short-distance rushes, with more than 40 myomeres, and heart beating rate of 72 to 85 beats/min. The findings indicated that the timing of embryo development of “Ganhong No.1” was the same as that of the normal bigscale loach, with difference in body color in both loach types during the hatching stage.
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