Determination and Matrix Effects of Prometryn in Fishery Products by GC-MS
GUI Yingai1, GE Xiangwu1, SUN Chengpeng1, DING Yong2
1. Dalian Genter for Food and Drug Control and Certification, Dalian 116037, China; 2. Dalian Modern Agricultural Production Development Service Center, Dalian 116023, China
Abstract:A detection method and matrix effects of prometryn were explored in fishery products by GC-MS. Triazine herbicide was extracted by acetonitrile and purified by Envi-Carb/LC-NH2 solid phase extraction column by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) under selective ion monitoring mode (quantitative ion m/z 241), which was quantified by standard addition method. After correction, the recovery of the method was 99.6%—112.6%, the coefficient of variation was 2.0%—15.4%, and the quantitative limit was 10 μg/kg. The method of eliminating false positive in samples by simultaneously monitoring two product ions was also given, and used for qualitative confirmation and quantitative determination of prometryne in fishery products.
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