Effects of Two Warming Patterns on Respiratory Metabolism and Immune-related Enzyme Activities of Ark Shell Scapharca subcrenata
QIN Yiming1, CHEN Limei1, LI Li2, LIU Lihua1, GUO Yongjun1, GAO Jinwei1
1.Tianjin Key Laboratory of Aqua-ecology and Aquaculture, College of Fishery Science, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China; 2.Marine Biology Institute ofShandong Province, Qingdao 266104, China
Abstract:The effects of changes in temperature on physiological and biochemical activities of ark shell Scapharca subcrenata were studied in a laboratory. Ark shell was held at sea water temperature of 15 ℃ for 2 weeksand then divided into two groups: in one group the ark shell was directly moved into a tank at 19 ℃, 23 ℃ and 27 ℃, and in the other group the ark shell was slowly exposed to the same temperature at a warming rate of 1 ℃/12 h. It was found that the oxygen consumption rates and ammonia excretion rates of ark shell were increased first and then decreased with the increase in seawater temperature within the experimental temperature, with the maximal values at 23 ℃. The ark shell had the maximal oxygen consumption Q10 and ammonia excretion Q10 at 19—23 ℃, and had the minimal O∶N ratio at 19 ℃, under the rapid and slow warming patterns. Under the rapid warming pattern, activities of catalase(CAT), superoxide dismutase(SOD), acid phosphatase(ACP), and lysozyme(LSZ) were increased at first and decreased afterwards in ark shell exposed to high temperature (23 ℃ or 27 ℃) for 96 h and reached the maximum at 6 h (P<0.05). There was more obvious effect on physiological and biochemical activities of ark shell under sudden warming than under slow warming. The findings will help to clarify the mechanism of temperature changes on physiological and biochemical activities of ark shell and provide reference data for the cultivation and production of ark shell.
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