Abstract:From 2014 to 2016,we chose "Benniu" strain of kelp Saccharina japonica as the research object. When the water temperature in S. japonica culture area was decreased to 19 ℃,the seedings were transferred in the sea of Yangyuchi bay in Rongcheng, temporarily cultured by the hanging method, regularly adjusted the cultured water layer and regularly swung. The mixed fertilizer of ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate was applied to improve the quality of seedlings by hanging fertilization bag method. In mid-November, when the seedlings had blade length of 12—15 cm, the seedlings were dispersed and cultured in the best culture area by flat culture method. From mid-January of the following year, almost every half-month, the blade length and width of the kelp and the temperature and transparency of sea-water were measured. The aquaculture test showed that the lowest value of transparency appeared at water temperature of about 6 ℃, but the transparency value was not the same even at the same water temperature. The maximum value of blade length was found at 11—14 ℃, while the maximum value of width was observed at 13—15 ℃, 1—2 ℃ higher than the temperature of the maximum value of length, and the maximum absolute growth rate(AGR) of width at 6.5—8.0 ℃. There was a positive correlation between blade length and width in the vast majority of cases. The ratio value of blade length to width was 5.4—9.0 from mushroom stage to harvest stage, and the ratio value during the harvest stage was 6.8—8.7, but the same ratio value appeared at different water temperature. The findings will provide some references for kelp culture and main seaweed selection.
王翔宇, 宋洪泽, 辛美丽, 丁刚, 吕芳. 温度对海带幼孢子体后期的叶长、叶宽的影响[J]. 水产科学, 2021, 40(1): 96-102.
WANG Xiangyu, SONG Hongze, XIN Meili, DING Gang, LYU Fang. Influences of Temperature on Blade Length and Width of Kelp Saccharina japonica from Juvenile Sporophyte Stage. 水产科学, 2021, 40(1): 96-102.
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