Abstract:The embryos of Chinese freshwater prawn Neocaridina denticulata sinensis were detached in petri dishes from the abdomen at stages of cleavage, blastula, gastrula and nauplius larvaⅠand exposed to ultraviolet radiation (UV) at doses of 0 W·s/cm2, 1 W·s/cm2, 2 W·s/cm2, 4 W·s/cm2, 8 W·s/cm2 and 16 W·s/cm2 in a manual shaking incubator at a speed of 55 r/min, a temperature of 25 ℃, and a humidity of 60%. The embryonic development was observed under a dissecting scope every 24 hours, and data analysis was performed after 48 h to investigate the effect of UV dose on the embryonic development of Chinese freshwater prawn. The results showed that Chinese freshwater prawn had the survival rate of the embryo in a dose-dependent relationship with UV dose exposure with severely delayed embryo developmen with the increase in UV dose. The median lethal dose at the 48 h was found to be 11.5 W·s/cm2 in cleavage stage, 8.6 W·s/cm2 in blastula stage, 12.0 W·s/cm2 in gastrula stage, and 14.2 W·s/cm2 in nauplius I stage. In addition, exposure period showed significant impact on embryonic development.
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