Abstract:In order to study the air exposure tolerance of cultured economically important molluscs in early post-harvest process, vigorous Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum, Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and Yesso scallop Patinopecten yessoensis were selected to put in the air exposure condition for 8 d in 4 ℃. The contents of glycogen, ATP related compounds and arginine phosphate, pH, and opine dehydrogenase activity in adductor muscle were detected to study the quality change in this process. The results showed that during the period of air-exposure storage, there was no significant change in the pH value of the molluscs (P<0.05), while the pH values were decreased from 7.23 and 7.39 to 6.88 and 6.80 in oyster and scallop, respectively. The glycogen content of the three species of molluscs showed a decreasing trend. The initial contents of ATP in clam and oyster were only 0.41 and 0.42 μmol/g, with no significant change during storage (P<0.05), while the initial content of ATP in scallop was 4.05 μmol/g, and decreased sharply with the extension of storage time. The activity of ODH was the highest in the adductor muscle of scallop and clam, and showed an increasing trend with the storage time, while ADH and SDH played bigger roles in oyster. Combined with principal component analysis, it was concluded that the tolerance time of oyster, clam and scallop in air exposure was 8 d, 4 d and 2 d, respectively. The findings indicated that the establishment of specific management measures should be combined with the difference of air exposure tolerance in the circulation process of post-harvested molluscs.
闫丽新,姜明慧,刘俊荣,衣鸿莉,王选飞,田元勇. 捕后干露对3种贝类活品品质的影响[J]. 水产科学, 2021, 40(2): 159-165.
YAN Lixin, JIANG Minghui, LIU Junrong, YI Hongli, WANG Xuanfei, TIAN Yuanyong. Effect of Post-Harvested Air Exposure on Quality of Three Species of Molluscs. 水产科学, 2021, 40(2): 159-165.
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