Abstract:To investigate effect of light on growth and pigment contents of alga Euglena gracilis, the microalga were placed in different light intensities (0 lx, 1500 lx, 3000 lx, 4500 lx, and 6000 lx ), photoperiod (16L∶8D, 14L∶10D, 12L∶12D, 10L∶14D, and 8L∶16D), light wavelengths (green light 495—530 nm, blue light 450—480 nm, red light 615—650 nm, white light, and yellow light 580—595 nm) and then the cell density and the pigment contents were determined by static culture in a constant temperature and light incubator at 450—465 nm and 580—595 nm. The results showed that light intensity, photoperiod and light wavelengths had significant effects on the growth and photosynthetic pigment contents of alga E. gracilis (P<0.05). The light intensity in 1500, 3000, and 4500 lx light groups had a positive effect on the growth of alga, and the light intensity of 3000 lx was the most significant, with the best cell growth. The cytochrome content was also higher than that in the other two groups; the photoperiods 16L∶8D, 14L∶10D and 12L∶12D led to promote the growth of the alga, and the growth condition and cytochrome content of the 14L∶10D group were better. In the other treatment groups, the 8L∶16D inhibited the growth of the alga E. gracilis, and the pigment content was also significantly lower than that in the other treatment groups (P<0.05). The blue light and white light groups significantly promoted the growth of the E. gracilis (P<0.05), and the highest pigment content under blue light conditions was more conducive to the accumulation of cytochrome. In summary, the most suitable conditions for the growth and the accumulation of photosynthetic pigments of E. gracilis are light intensity of 3000 lx, photoperiod of 14L∶10D and blue light.
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