Prevention of Parasite Heterobothrium tetrodonis in Infected Tiger Puffer Takifugu rubripes by Formalin
YUAN Zhen1,2, LIU Ying1,2,3, WU Yumeng1,2, JIANG Jieming1,2, ZHANG Lei1,2, LIU Qi1, YE Shigen1
1. Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Environment Controlled Aquaculture, Ministry of Education, Dalian 116023, China; 3. Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao), Qingdao 266205, China
Abstract:Heterobothrium tetrodonis is one of the most common and important parasites in tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes, which is considered to be extremely harmful to tiger puffer aquaculture. In order to better control the disease of H. tetrodonisis, this study reported the process of hatching, evaluated the killing effect and safety of formalin on tiger puffer, and formed the prevented plan for H. tetrodonis. The results indicated that (1) the parasite incubation was roughly divided into four stages: initial stage of incubation, middle stage of incubation, late stage of incubation, and hatching. Under the conditions of 17—19 ℃, the larvae appeared in 5.5 days, the hatching finished on 8 days; (2) significant differences in formalin tolerance between different sizes of the worm were observed, and 600 mL/m3 formalin bath for 1 h killed all the larvae of H. tetrodonis (body length≤1 cm), but little killed the adult worm (body length>1 cm); (3) exposuring to 600 mL/m3 of formalin medicated bath, swimming abnormal and expiratory dyspnea of tiger puffer juveniles were observed to be existed after 5 h medicated bath, the time of death of tiger puffer juveniles occurred after 6 h medicated bath. In summary, our results suggested that disease treatment of H. tetrodonis be around 600 mL/m3 formalin medicated bath for 1 h, and then once again after 8 days.
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