Abstract:Juvenile brown salmon Salmo trutta with body weight of (1.07±0.3) g was reared in a circulating water system of 100 cm×100 cm×60 cm circular glass tanks with water depth of about 40 cm at stocking density of 159 ind./m3 at water temperature of 13—14 ℃, and fed diets containing 0% (control group), 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0% of β-glucan for 60 d in order to study the effect of β-glucan on the survival and growth of juvenile brown salmon. The results showed that the brown salmon fed the diet containing 0.5% β-glucan had the maximal weight gain rate, significantly higher than the fish in other groups (P<0.05), and the maximal growth rate in body length, significantly higher than those in other groups (P<0.05), except for the fish in 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.5% groups, though without significant differences in the survival rate (100%) of juvenile salmon among the different groups (P>0.05). The brown salmon fed the diet containing 0% β-glucan had the minimal growth rate in body length. There was the maximal specific growth rate in juvenile brown salmon in 0.5% group, significantly higher than that in other groups did (P<0.05), and the minimal specific growth rate in juvenile brown salmon in control group. The hepato-somatic index was found to be decreased with increase in dietary β-glucan contents, with the maximal hepato-somatic index in the control group, significantly higher than that in other groups (P<0.05), except for the 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5% and 1.0% groups. The brown salmon fed the diet containing 0.1% β-glucan had the maximal food ingestion, and the brown salmon fed the diet containing 0% β-glucan had the minimal food ingestion, reduction in food ingestion with increase in dietary β-glucan without significant difference among the groups. There was the maximal food conversion rate in the brown salmon in 0.5% group, without significant difference from that in 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0% groups, and significantly higher than that in the other groups (P<0.05). The activities of intestinal lipase, trypsin and amylase were increased first and then decreased with the increase in dietary β-glucan content, indicating that β-glucan led to increase the activities of intestinal digestive enzymes. In conclusion, higher survival and better growth was observed in the brown salmon in 0.5% dietary β-glucan group.
王万良,牟振波,周建设,王且鲁,陈美群,张驰. β-葡聚糖对亚东鲑幼鱼存活及生长的影响[J]. 水产科学, 2021, 40(2): 273-278.
WANG Wanliang, MU Zhenbo, ZHOU Jianshe, WANG Qielu, CHEN Meiqun, ZHANG Chi. Effect of Dietary β-Glucan on Survival and Growth of Juvenile Brown Trout Salmo trutta. 水产科学, 2021, 40(2): 273-278.
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