Abstract:Four hundred and four samples of Amur ide Leuciscus waleckii were collected in Dali Lake, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, from May 2017 to January 2018, and the micro-otoliths were removed for cleaning, drying, and weighing, and then fixed on the glass slide and polished for age determination. Four regression equations including straight line, power function, exponential function and polynomial were used to fit the relationship between otolith weight and body length and age. The functional equation between otolith weight (mO) and age (A) was expressed as mO=-0.0445A2 +1.9601 A-1.3978 (r2=0.8772). The fitting equation and the statistical chart of otolith weight and body length of each age group proves that the otolith weight can be used to identify age of Amur ide and has certain advantages. The comparison of the age estimated by the weight of otolith with the reading age of otolith rings reveals that the otolith weight of Amur ide is directly applied to deduce age, with features of rapid, simple and stable for age determination.
徐聚臣,段友健,骆小年,蔡忠璐,何宇,刘旋,刘嘉诚,韩牧轩,孙立孝. 达里湖瓦氏雅罗鱼耳石质量与年龄关系[J]. 水产科学, 2021, 40(2): 279-284.
XU Juchen, DUAN Youjian, LUO Xiaonian, CAI Zhonglu, HE Yu, LIU Xuan, LIU Jiacheng, HAN Muxuan, SUN Lixiao. Relationship between Otolith Weight and Age in Amur Ide Leuciscus waleckii in Dali Lake. 水产科学, 2021, 40(2): 279-284.
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