Structural Characteristics and Seasonal Changes in Zooplankton Community in Changhu Lake
GONG Sensen1,2, WU Jiawei1,2, CHAI Yi1,2, LUO Jingbo1,2, TAN Fengxia1,2, YANG Deguo3, HE Yongfeng3
1. College of Animal Science, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025, China; 2. Engineering Research Center of Ecology and Agricultural Use of Wetland, Ministry of Education, Jingzhou 434025, China; 3. Key Laboratory of Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Wuhan 430223, China
Abstract:Community structure characteristics and seasonal change in zooplankton were investigated and analyzed in 14 sampling sites in Changhu Lake in April 2015 (Spring), July 2015 (Summer), November 2015 (Autumn) and January 2016 (Winter) by non-metric multi-dimensional scale analysis (NMDS), cluster analysis and redundancy analysis (RDA) according to the water ecosystem observation specification. Results showed that 61 species of zooplankton were identified in this survey, including 29 species of rotifers, 15 species of protozoa, 11 species of cladocera and 6 species of copepods. The descending order of species number in each season was described as summer (43 species) > spring (37 species) > autumn (20 species) > winter (19 species). A total of 12 dominant species were found, including 8 rotifers and 4 protozoa, with common dominant rotifers species Polyarthra trigla and Brachionus calyciflorus in the four seasons. The average seasonal abundance of zooplankton was shown to be 3249 ind./L, with average seasonal biomass of 10.16 mg/L, the maximum abundance and biomass in summer, higher in sampling site HaiZi Lake than that in other sampling sites (except the biomass in autumn), and the average seasonal species replacement rate of up to 81.01% (copepods). The NMDS revealed that there was obvious seasonal difference in zooplankton in the lake, and different dominant groups were classified into four clusters by cluster analysis. The results of RDA ranking of dominant species showed that total nitrogen levels (TN) and total phosphorus levels (TP) were positively correlated with each dominant species to some extent in summer. In addition to being restricted by water temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH, the dominant species were also affected by contents of suspended matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Changhu Lake was still in a moderate-severe eutrophication status, and the degree of eutrophication was tended to increase compared with the data of 2012.
龚森森, 吴嘉伟, 柴毅, 罗静波, 谭凤霞, 杨德国, 何勇凤. 长湖浮游动物群落结构特征及其季节变化[J]. 水产科学, 2021, 40(3): 329-338.
GONG Sensen, WU Jiawei, CHAI Yi, LUO Jingbo, TAN Fengxia, YANG Deguo, HE Yongfeng. Structural Characteristics and Seasonal Changes in Zooplankton Community in Changhu Lake. 水产科学, 2021, 40(3): 329-338.
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