Effects of Ca2+ and Mg2+ Concentrations and Culture Density on Growth of Ridgetail White Prawn Exopalaemon carinicauda
LI Guangguang1, WANG Yu1, DUAN Jiancheng1, WANG Linhua1, DENG Gaowei1, GAO Huan1,2,3, ZHANG Qingqi4, YAN Binlun1,2,3
1. College of Marine Life and Fisheries, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology, Jiangsu Ocean University, Lianyungang 222005, China; 2. Jiangsu Institute of Marine Resources Development, Lianyungang 222005, China; 3. The Jiangsu Provincial Platform for Conservation and Utilization of Agricultural Germplasm, Nanjing 210014, China; 4. Ganyu-Jiaxin Aquaculture Limited Company of Lianyungang, Lianyungang 222100, China
Abstract:Ridgetail white prawn Exopalaemon carinicauda with body weight of (0.175±0.065) g was raised in a 50 cm×40 cm×30 cm water tank at a salinity of 22 and water temperature of 25 ℃ to investigate the effects of Ca2+ concentration (100 mg/L, 200 mg/L, and 300 mg/L), Mg2+ concentration (300 mg/L, 600 mg/L, and 900 mg/L) and culture density (200 individuals/m3, 400 individuals/m3, and 600 individuals/m3) on the growth of ridgetail white prawn in an orthogonal test to find out the optimal levels of the three factors for the growth of ridgetail white prawn. It was found that the culture density was the most important factor affecting the growth of the ridgetail white prawn, followed by the concentrations of Mg2+ and Ca2+; Mg2+ concentration was the greatest effect on the survival rate of ridgetail white prawn, followed by Ca2+ concentration, and then by culture density. The optimal combination of three factors was considered comprehensively as Mg2+ concentration of 300 mg/L, Ca2+ concentration of 100 mg/L, and culture density of 600 individuals/m3.
李光光, 王玉, 段健诚, 王林华, 邓高威, 高焕, 张庆起, 阎斌伦. Ca2+、Mg2+和养殖密度对脊尾白虾生长的影响[J]. 水产科学, 2021, 40(3): 428-433.
LI Guangguang, WANG Yu, DUAN Jiancheng, WANG Linhua, DENG Gaowei, GAO Huan, ZHANG Qingqi, YAN Binlun. Effects of Ca2+ and Mg2+ Concentrations and Culture Density on Growth of Ridgetail White Prawn Exopalaemon carinicauda. 水产科学, 2021, 40(3): 428-433.
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