Nitrogen and Phosphorus Budgets of Polyculture System of Mud Crab Scylla paramamosain, Tiger Shrimp Penaeus monodon and Razor Clam Sinonovacula constricta
ZHAO Yanfei1, ZHONG Shengping1, WANG Xianfeng2, HUANG Lingguang1, LIU Xujia1, XIONG Xiangying1
1. Guangxi Institute of Oceanology Co., Ltd., Beihai 536000, China; 2. National Sea Area DynamicSupervising Center of Haicheng District, Beihai 536000, China
Abstract:The ternary polyculture models of mud crab Scylla paramamosain, tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon and razor clam Sinonovacula constricta were investigated in land-based perigrid experiments in seawater ponds at stocking density of 35 individuals of mud crab and 300 individuals of tiger shrimp (as a control, CS) with 5 different proportions of razor clam including 250 (CSR1), 500 (CSR2), 1000 (CSR3), 2000 (CSR4), and 4000 (CRS5) individuals. In the feeding trial, budgets and utilization rates of nitrogen and phosphorus were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and multiple comparisons. The results showed that the feed was the main input of nitrogen (accounting for 84.02%—86.31%) and phosphorus (accounting for 98.08%—98.83%) in the enclosures, the main output of nitrogen (accounting for 44.21%—56.40%) and phosphorus (accounting for 50.38%—60.96%) were in the sediments. Under different models, there were differences in sizes, survival rate, specific growth rate, yield and output value of the cultured organisms, in which the maximal benefits were observed in CSR3 and CSR4 groups. The nitrogen utilization rates of each group ranged from 12.35% to 32.66%, and CSR5>CSR3, CSR4>CSR1, CSR2>CS, showed significant differences (P<0.05). The phosphorus utilization rates were ranged from 9.38% to 23.10%, CSR3, CSR4, CSR5>CS, CSR1, CSR2, with significant differences (P<0.05), indicating that the addition of an appropriate amount of razor clam in the polyculture system of shrimp and crab improved the breeding efficiency and the utilization rates of nitrogen and phosphorus significantly. In conclusion, CSR3 treatment group was the most reasonable, followed by CSR4. Under the conditions of this experiment, the optimal collocation was crab at 35 individuals/25 m2, shrimp at 300 individuals/25 m2 and razor clam at 1000 individuals/25 m2.
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