Abstract:Antimicrobial susceptibility of 52 susceptible Escherichia coli strains isolated from fresh samples such as oyster Crassostrea ariakensis, green mussel Perna viridis, Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum, hard clam Meretrix meretrix, and scallop Mimachlamys nobilis, and frozen samples of fish fillets and cooked shrimp to 19 antibacterial drugs including penicillins, quinolones, monocyclic lactams and sulfonamides by using K-B paper diffusion method, and then extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBLs) and plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) genes were amplified by PCR to detect the resistance of E. coli in fishery products in Zhanjiang. Results showed that all of the 52 E. coli strains were resistant to more than one antibiotic, with higher resistance rate of erythromycin(90.4%), sulfamethoxazolethe(55.8%), trimethoprim (53.8%), and cefotaxime (51.9%) than that in other antibiotics. About 76.9% of E. coli showedmultiple resistant of up to 9 categories of antibiotics, and 10 strains were confirmed to be ESBLs bacteria,with detection rate of 19.2% (10/52), 8 strains carrying gene blaTEM, 7 strains carrying gene blaSHV, without blaCTX and blaOXA genes. It was confirmed that 15 strains were PMQR bacteria, with detection rate of 28.8% (15/52), the all carrying qnrA, aac (6′)-Ib-c and qepA genes, 9 strains carrying qnrS gene, 8 strains carrying qnrD gene, and only 1 strain carrying oqxB gene, without qnrB, qnrC and oqxA genes. Both ESBLs gene and PMQR gene were carried by 2 E. coli isolates. The findings revealed that E. coli from fishery products in Zhanjian area was resistant to a wide range of antibiotics and that combination of ESBLs gene with PMQR gene enhanced the drug resistance of bacteria.
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