Molecular Cloning, Partial Sequence and Tissue Expression of Dmrt1 Gene in Siamese Fighting Fish Betta splendens
HUANG Yang, LI Jinhai, WANG Wenji, GUO Yuwen, LI Guangli, CHEN Huapu
Guangdong Province Famous Fish Reproduction Regulation and Breeding Engineering Technology Research Center ofEngineering Technology Research Center, Fisheries College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China
Abstract:Doublesex and Mab-3 related transcription factor 1 (Dmrt1), a member of DMRT family, plays critical roles in sex determination, sex differentiation and gonadal development. The molecular cloning of a partial sequence of Dmrt1 was performed in the brain tissue of Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens by RACE, and Dmrt1 gene expression pattern was detected in all tissues and embryonic development of Siamese fighting fish by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Siamese fighting fish had Dmrt1 consisting of 1037 nucleotides, with a 798 bp length of open reading frame (ORF), and coding 265 amino-acids. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Dmrt1 in Siamese fighting fish was more closely related to climbing perch Anabas testudineus. In addition, tissue-specific and sexual dimorphism expression profile of Dmrt1 was detected in Siamese fighting fish. In males, Dmrt1 was expressed in the testis and spleen exclusively. In females, however, Dmrt1 was highly expressed in the heart, weakly expressed in the brain, pituitary, spleen, muscle, kidney and intestine, without expression in ovary and liver. Moreover, during the period of embryonic development, Dmrt1 was predominately expressed in the fertilized eggs, and weakly from the gastrula stage to heart beating stage. The findings indicate that Dmrt1 may play an important role in male germ cell development, and reproductive regulation in spermatocyte maturation in Siamese fighting fish.
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