Key Techniques of Industrial Seedling Production for Drab Filefish Thamnaconus septentrionalis in Early Breeding Season
JIANG Lianglong1, ZHANG Zhe1, WANG Zhen1, DU Rongbin1, LUAN Shunxiang2, WU Yanqing3, LIU Liming1
1. Ocean School, Yantai University, Yantai 264005, China; 2. Laizhou Shunchang Fisheries Co., Ltd., Yantai 261441, China; 3. East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China
Abstract:Drab filefish Thamnaconus septentrionalis as a good aquaculture fish species for potential development has been cultured in recent years. From autumn 2018 to spring 2019, an industrial seedling production experiment was conducted in 220 wild broodfish of drab filefish to investigate the techniques of domesticating and maturation inducing of broodstock, egg collection, incubation, and seedling rearing. The results showed that the broodfish began to spawn at the end of March 2019, with the spawn peak (19.5—22.0 ℃) from mid-April to mid-May 2019, about 2 months earlier than that in the natural sea area. The fertilized eggs were hatched after 46—48 h at (22.5±1.5) ℃, and a total of 332×104 ind. newly hatched larvae were obtained with an average hatching rate of (71.0±6.7)%. After 60 days, a total of 4.17×105 ind. fry were obtained with 1.37×105 ind. small sized juveniles (total length of 2—3 cm), 2.0×105 ind. medium size fry (total length of 3—5 cm) and 8×104 ind. large size juveniles (total length of 5—8 cm) in 37 indoor ponds (30 m3/ind.), with total survival rate of 12.6%. The embryonic development and biological characteristics of growth, feeding and living habits of drab filefish during the early life stages were also studied. The four “critical period” were put forward, and the key techniques of seedling production were discussed.
姜良龙, 张哲, 王臻, 杜荣斌, 栾顺香, 吴艳庆, 刘立明. 绿鳍马面鲀工厂化早繁苗种培育关键技术[J]. 水产科学, 2021, 40(6): 801-809.
JIANG Lianglong, ZHANG Zhe, WANG Zhen, DU Rongbin, LUAN Shunxiang, WU Yanqing, LIU Liming. Key Techniques of Industrial Seedling Production for Drab Filefish Thamnaconus septentrionalis in Early Breeding Season. 水产科学, 2021, 40(6): 801-809.
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