Situations of Fish Stocks in Weigan River in Xinjiang
HAN Junjun, CHEN Peng, QI Feng, FENG Yonghui, Adili, HU Jiangwei, ZHANG Yu, CAI Lingang, ZHANG Renming
1. Institute of Fisheries Research of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830000, China; 2. Observing Station of Fishery Resources and Environment in Northwest China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Urumqi 830000, China
Abstract:Fish stocks were surveyed in 5 sampling sites in the upper, middle and lower reaches of Weigan River (N 41°06′—42°42′, E 80°40′—84°10′), one of the nine major water systems in the Tarim River Basin in the middle section of the southern foot of Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang in May, August and November 2019, using single-layer gillnets (mesh size of 1 cm, 2 cm and 3 cm, net length of 20 m, 30 m and 40 m) and traps ( opening 40 cm×40 cm, 8 m in length). A total of 1864 fish samples weighing 47 869.05 g were collected during the investigation, and a total of 19 species were identified, belonging to 15 genera, 6 families and 3 orders, including 8 native fish species (1 order, 4 genera, and 5 species in Cyprinidae) and 11 exotic species in 11 genera and 3 orders, including 6 genera and 6 species in Cyprinidae, and 1 genera and 1 species in each of Loachidae, Perchidae, Channaidae, Gobyidae and Catfish family. The most fish species (17 species) were caught in August, with the maximal species (38.14%) and weight (64.12%) in May, and with dominant species of Diptychus maculatus, Hemiculter leuciclus, Perca fluviatilis and Pseudorasbora parva.A few fish species, and low community diversity were observed in the upstream, and compared with the historic data, S. esocinus and S. barbatus were not found, with low capture of other native fishes and high capture of exotic fishes. The cluster analysis revealed that fish species(4 dominant and 8 common species) in the 5 sampling sites were divided into two categories. The ANOSIM analysis showed that there were no significant differences between sample sites (P>0.05), and the fish species (P<0.05). Exotic fish invasions and hydraulic engineering were the key factors impacting fish assemble in Weigan River.
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