Abstract:A 67-day feeding trial was conducted to determine compensatory growth and body composition after experiencing cycles of starvation and re-feeding in juvenile black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii with initial body length of (10.25±0.74) cm and body weight of (16.77±2.72) g. Six feeding regimes were designed as follows: the control group of fish fed daily (S0), and other five groups that were subjected to 2 days of starvation followed by 1 to 5 days of feeding to satiation, i.e. S2F1 (starved for 2 d, then fed 1 d), S2F2 (starved 2 d, then fed 2 d), S2F3 (starved 2 d, then fed 3 d), S2F4 (starved 2 d, then fed 4 d) and S2F5 (starved 2 d, then fed 5 d). The results showed that there were the maximal final body weight, weight gain rate and specific growth rate in group S2F5, showing an over-compensatory growth. The final body weight, weight gain rate and specific growth rate were not significantly different in group S2F4 from those in the control group (P>0.05), showing a completely compensatory growth. The final body weight, weight gain rate and specific growth rate in groups S2F1, S2F2and S2F3 were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.05), showing a non-compensatory growth. There were no significant differences in feed conversion efficiency, hepatosomatic index and condition factor among all groups (P>0.05), but the viscerosomatic index was significantly higher in the control group than that in the feeding regime groups (P<0.05). Compared with the control group, the body lipid content (except group S2F5) was significantly decreased (P<0.05), while the body protein and ash contents were not significantly different among all groups (P>0.05). The cyclic feeding regime of starved 2 d, then fed 5 d led to over-compensatory growth, and the feeding time was shortened by 29.85% compared with the control group, which is the best feeding mode under the experimental conditions.
刘凯凯, 丁刚, 李乐, 宋静静, 迟雯丹, 于道德. 不同循环饥饿投喂模式对许氏平鲉生长和体成分的影响[J]. 水产科学, 2023, 42(1): 142-146.
LIU Kaikai, DING Gang, LI Le, SONG Jingjing, CHI Wendan, YU Daode. Effect of Different Cyclic Starvation and Refeeding Regimes on Growth and Body Compositions in Black Rockfish Sebastes schlegelii. 水产科学, 2023, 42(1): 142-146.
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