Seasonal Variation Characteristics of Fish Community Structure in Liaodong Bay
WANG Xiaolin, JI Guang, ZHANG Yijing, WANG Aiyong, DONG Jing, LIU Xiuze
Dalian Key Laboratory of Conservation of Fishery Resources, Liaoning Key Laboratory of Marine Biological Resources and Ecology, Liaoning Ocean and Fishery Science Research Institute, Dalian 116023, China
Abstract:Liaodong Bay is one of the three major bays of Bohai Sea, with the highest latitude in China. It is an important spawning ground, feeding ground and fishery production ground for a variety of economic fish and macroinvertebrates. As changing environment conditions affect Liaodong Bay, fish communities may also shift. In order to study the seasonal variation characteristics of fish communities in Liaodong Bay, bottom trawl surveys were carried out on three voyages in May (spring), August (summer) and October (Autumn) in 2020. The seasonal variation of fish species composition, dominant species, diversity and community spatial structure were analyzed, the seasonal alternation index (AI) and migration index (MI) of community were calculated, and the abundance-biomass comparison (ABC) curve of fish community was established in Liaodong Bay. The results showed that there were 58 species of fish caught in three seasons in Liaodong Bay, including 34 species in spring, 49 species in summer and 46 species in winter. The dominant species were Cynoglossus joyneri, Setipinna taty and Johnius belengeri in spring, Chaeturichthys stigmatias, C. joyneri, Argyrosomus argentatus, J. belengeri and Konosirus punctatus in summer, and C. stigmatias, C. joyneri, Chaeturichthys hexanema, S. taty and J. belengeri in autumn. The dominant species were mainly low trophic fish with short life cycle and small size. The diversity index of fish community structure was 1.34~1.63, the richness index was 1.44~1.68, and the evenness index was 0.60~0.64. The diversity of fish community was gradually increasing from spring to autumn in Liaodong Bay. Fish was divided into three community groups in Liaodong Bay: the northern nearshore community near the top of Liaodong Bay (group Ⅰ), the deep-water community in the central and southern part of Liaodong Bay (Group Ⅱ) and the deep-water community at the mouth of Liaodong Bay (Group Ⅲ). There were three community groups in spring and summer, and two community groups in autumn. Analysis of Similarities (ANOSIM) test showed that the fish community groups divided above were significant differences in Liaodong Bay in each season (R=0.649~0.787,P<0.001). The spatial pattern of fish community group maintained relative stability during seasonal changes in Liaodong Bay, such as the northern nearshore community near the top of Liaodong Bay, which always existed in three seasons, while other regions sometimes integrated together, and sometimes maintained their own spatial structure. Bottom temperature had the highest correlation coefficient with spatial distribution of fish community in spring and summer (R=0.270 in spring, R=0.408 in summer),and water depth had the highest correlation coefficient in autumn(R=0.376 in autumn).The biomass and frequency of fish were significantly different along the water depth gradient. The results of ABC curve showed that the abundance curves of fish were above the biomass curve in Liaodong Bay in three seasons, indicated that the fish community was seriously disturbed.
王小林, 吉光, 张怡晶, 王爱勇, 董婧, 刘修泽. 辽东湾鱼类群落结构的季节变化特征[J]. 水产科学, 2023, 42(6): 996-1005.
WANG Xiaolin, JI Guang, ZHANG Yijing, WANG Aiyong, DONG Jing, LIU Xiuze. Seasonal Variation Characteristics of Fish Community Structure in Liaodong Bay. 水产科学, 2023, 42(6): 996-1005.
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