Changes in Quality and Taste of Ridgetail White Prawn Exoplaemon carinicauda during Steaming
SHAO Chen1, SHI Wenzheng1,2, QU Yinghong1,2, WU Xugan1,2
1. Food College, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 2. National Research and Development Center for Processing Technology of Freshwater Aquatic Products , Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
Abstract:To investigate the change in quality and taste of ridgetail white prawn Exopalaemon carinicauda during steaming (0,1,2,4,6 and 8 min), the related indicators including moisture, cooking loss, texture analysis, sensory score as well as electronic tongue were determined. The results showed that the moisture content decreased and the cooking loss increased with the extension ofsteaming time. After steaming for 8 min, the moisture of shrimp meat decreased to 74.37%, and the cooking loss increased by 10.93%. With the prolonging of steaming time, the hardness, chewiness, adhesiveness and resilience of shrimp meat increased firstly and then decreased; The cohesion increased and eventually stabilized, while the elasticity decreased during steaming. Compared with raw shrimp, the content of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) increased to (554.29±7.19) mg/100 g after steaming for 4 min. The bitter amino acid content of shrimp meat decreased during steaming, and the content was the lowest in 2-4 min. The PCA result of electronic tongue showed that significant differences in the overall taste characteristics among different steaming time samples. Overall, steaming can significantly affect the taste and quality characteristics of the shrimp which has better quality when steaming for 4 min, and this study may provide a theoretical for the pretreatment of ridgetail white prawn before drying.
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