Abstract:In order to probe into the ability of rice-crab co-cropping mode to purify pond culture tailwater, rice-crab co-culture was carried out in the large-scale rice-crab cocropping-pond culture coupling system with 52 hm2 of rice field and 20 hm2 of Chinese mitten handed crab Eriocheir sinensis culture area in Yinchuan area, Ningxia. The water quality indicators including dissolved oxygen, phosphate, nitrous nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen contents were analyzed in the water body of paddy inlet and outlet in the 6 rice crab co-cropping ponds. The results showed that the maximal removal rates were 69.2% for ammonia nitrogen, 14.0% for phosphate and 100% for nitrite nitrogen in the water outlet of the experimental paddy fields in 2020. In 2021, the maximal removal rates were 25.1% for ammonia nitrogen and 100% for nitrite nitrogen in the outlet of the experimental paddy fields. In 2022, the maximal removal rates of 76.9% for ammonia nitrogen, 74.4% for phosphate and 100% for nitrite nitrogen. The best purification effect on the aquaculture wastewater was observed in the paddy field in 2022. In conclusion, the rice-crab co-culture model can reduce the contents of ammonia nitrogen, phosphate and nitrite nitrogen in aquaculture wastewater significantly, effectively purify the aquaculture wastewater, and have a positive impact on the ecological environment.
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