Abstract:In order to explore the feasibility of Hepu mitten crab Eriocheir hepuensis megalopae in juvenile culture in the Changjiang River basin, the growth performance and breeding effect of megalopae bred by wild broodstocks Hepu mitten crab and Chinese mitten crab E. sinensis were compared in outdoor cage group culture and indoor circulating water system individual culture trials. Some 1500 megalopae were reared in 40 mesh cages with length of 2 m × width of 2 m × height of 1 m and aquatic plant elodea Elodea nuttallii, and the number of juvenile crabs was adjusted to 400 (half female and half male) in each cage in mid-June, and aquatic plant elodeawas replaced by alligator weed Alternanthera philoxeroides. The Hepu mitten crab and Chinese mitten crab were fed at feeding rate of 1%—5% compound feed at 17:00 every day. At the beginning of July, 30 crabs with body weight of 1.4—1.6 g (half female and half male) were taken from the cages and reared in a circulating water tank with a water depth of 12 cm in a plastic box of 30 cm× 24 cm × 15 cm for individual culture, with the same feeding regime. There were higher average body weight and the rate of one-year precocius in Hepu mitten crab than those in Chinese mitten crab, with significantly lower survival rate and yield in Hepu mitten crab than those in Chinese mitten crab (P<0.05). No significant difference in the average body weight was observed between the two groups after the first and second moltings (P>0.05), with significantly longer second molting interval and lower specific growth rate (SGR) in Hepu mitten crab than those in Chinese mitten crab due to the longer second molting(P<0.05). Furthermore, there was lower survival rate in Hepu mitten crab than that in Chinese mitten crab in indoor individual culture trial, without significant difference (P>0.05). In conclusion, the Hepu mitten crab had lower survival rate during juvenile culture stage in the Changjiang River Basin, with longer molting interval and higher rate of one-year precocious. It is required to further investigation to improve the culture performance of Hepu mitten crabthrough the optimization of culture environment and nutritional regulation.
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