Abstract:In order to study the morphological characteristics and development rate of Tapes dorsatus in its early development stage, and to provide reference for the morphological development biology and artificial seeding of T. dorsatus, we observed, measured and photographed each developmental stages of the seeding process using a light microscope under water temperature of 25—26 ℃ and salinity of 29—31. The results showed that the newly fertilized eggs were round without blastocysts, and the size was (59.0±2.2) μm. After fertilization, the thin and bright fertilization membrane was raised and the polar body was released. The shell length of D-shaped larvae was (101.8±3.7) μm. The hinge line of the early umbo larvae was slightly curved and spherical foot primordium appeared. The umbo of medium term umbo larvae continue to uplift and foot primordium developed into boot foot shape, the base of the foot primordium formed a pair of statocysts which were 10 μm in diameter; in the post stage of umbo larvae, the umbo of larvae was prominent, and the boot-like foot extended into a stick, forming two pairs of tubular gill filaments on both sides of the foot base. The mature larvae had no “eye spots”, statocysts grew to 15 μm. Metamorphosis larvae's shell length was (228.4±11.2) μm, and velum shrinked and disappeared. Simultaneously secreted one or two byssus on the bottom of the foot, and the life of the larvae changed from planktonic life to attached life. In this stage, metamorphosis larvae secreted secondary shell to become juveniles. In the non siphon stage, due to the asymmetric growth of the secondary shell, the top of the shell was protrusive and inclined forward, and the gill filaments increased. In the single siphon stage, an outlet pipe appeared above the shell of juvenile. In the double siphon stage, the juvenile grew out of the inlet pipe, and the length was shorter than that of the outlet pipe. The end of the inlet pipe was surrounded by tentacles. The shell shape was basically the same as that of the adult shellfish, and the front end was rounded and the back end was trunk-shaped.The shell length of double siphon juvenile was (578.1±76.1) μm. It was found that the growth rule of the clam was “fast-slow-fast”. Larvae took 16 days to develop from the D-shaped stage to the metamorphosis, and juvenile took 30 days to develop from the attached life stage to the double siphon stage.
张柯馨, 杨尚松, 罗泽鑫, 张元, 展建强, 陈麟广, 卢怡凝, 刘志刚. 钝缀锦蛤胚胎、幼虫及稚贝发育观察[J]. 水产科学, 2023, 42(4): 682-689.
ZHANG Kexin, YANG Shangsong, LUO Zexin, ZHANG Yuan, ZHAN Jianqiang, CHEN Linguang, LU Yining, LIU Zhigang. Observation of the Development of Embryos, Larvae and Juveniles of Tapes dorsatus. 水产科学, 2023, 42(4): 682-689.
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