Effects of Two Antibiotics on Intestinal Histological Structure and Tight Junction Protein Gene Expression in Large Yellow Croaker Larimichthys crocea
CHENG Haoxue1, WANG Gengshen2, XU Yexiang1, WANG Ying1, LIU Huiling1, XU Wei1, SHI Hui2, XIE Jianjun2, WANG Wei2, ZHANG Dongxu2, XU Wenjun2
1. School of Fishery, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316022, China; 2. Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Mariculture and Enhancement, Zhejiang Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Zhoushan 316021, China
Abstract:In order to explore the effects of doxycycline hydrochloride and enrofloxacin on the intestinal histological structure and expression of intestinal tight junction proteins genes in large yellow croaker Larimichthys crocea, the large yellow croaker with body weight of (41.57±1.63) g was reared in a circular plastic tank with a diameter of 1 m and water depth of 1.25 m, and fed the diets containing both drugs at a dose of 0, 0.2, 1.0 and 2.0 g/kg at water temperature of 16.80—22.50 ℃ for 5—7 days. The morphological changes in intestinal histology were observed and the relative expression levels of tight junction protein genes Claudin-7, ZO-1 and Occludin were detected in the large yellow croaker fed the medicated diets 1, 5 and 15 days after the drug was stopped to be fed. The results showed that the large yellow croaker fed the medicated diets had intestinal villus atrophy and tissue vacuolization, with gradually elevated in the degree of intestinal tissue damage with the increase in dose and prolongation of the administration time. The expression levels of the tight junction protein gene were shown to be decreased. The intestinal mucosal injury was not found to be recovered to the level of the control group 15 days after drug withdrawal, with the higher at the higher drug concentration. There was still significantly lower expression level of tight junction protein gene in the high-dose group than that in the control group at 15 days after withdrawal (P<0.05). In conclusion, doxycycline hydrochloride and enrofloxacin caused intestinal tissue damage and reduced intestinal permeability in large yellow croaker in a dose-time dependent manner,and the higher intestinal and the damage still did not fully recover 15 days after administration.
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