基于DNA检测的动物性水产品鉴伪技术研究进展 |
黄珏1, 王正亮1, 潘海波1, 裘慧2, 俞晓平1 |
1.中国计量大学 生命科学学院,浙江省生物计量及检验检疫技术重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310018; 2.浙江省检验检疫科学技术研究院,浙江 杭州 311215 |
Recent Advances on Adulteration of Fishery Animal Products Based on DNA Detection: a Review |
HUANG Jue1, WANG Zhengliang1, PAN Haibo1, QIU Hui2, YU Xiaoping1 |
1. Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Biometrology and Inspection and Quarantine, College of Life Sciences, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China; 2. Zhejiang Academy of Science and Technology for Inspection and Quarantine, Hangzhou 311215, China |
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黄珏, 王正亮, 潘海波, 裘慧, 俞晓平. 基于DNA检测的动物性水产品鉴伪技术研究进展[J]. 水产科学, 2021, 40(6): 934-942.
HUANG Jue, WANG Zhengliang, PAN Haibo, QIU Hui, YU Xiaoping. Recent Advances on Adulteration of Fishery Animal Products Based on DNA Detection: a Review. 水产科学, 2021, 40(6): 934-942.
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http://www.shchkx.com/CN/10.16378/j.cnki.1003-1111.20104 或 http://www.shchkx.com/CN/Y2021/V40/I6/934 |
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