Abstract:In this paper, the effect of water temperature on growth, reproduction and morphological plasticity of water fleas Daphnia hyalina was investigated by means of the method of experimental ecology. The results showed that the survival rate of water fleas was 0% at 27 ℃, 80% at 21 ℃, and 60% at 15 ℃ in the temperature range of 15—27 ℃. With the increase in temperature, the prenatal developmental period of water fleas was shortened by 2—6 days, the life span was shortened by 2—34 days, and the intrinsic rate of growth was increased, with the maximum of 0.47 d-1 at 24 ℃ and minimum of 0.23 d-1 at 15 ℃. The total length of water fleas was generally 0.03—0.13 mm longer in the 15 ℃ group than that in other groups; the average length of the thorn was the shortest; the ratio of the length of the thorn to the total length was the smallest, and the longest individual was the largest. At the same temperature, the thorn length of water fleas in different growth periods does not change much with growth, and the helmet gradually becamed blunt and round. The most suitable survival temperature for water fleas was 21 ℃, and the most suitable breeding temperature was 24 ℃.
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