水产科学  2021, Vol. 40 Issue (3): 446-451    DOI: 10.16378/j.cnki.1003-1111.20166
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左镓琪, 赵文, 魏杰, 董成浩, 崔竞丹, 杨板
大连海洋大学 水产与生命学院,辽宁省水生生物学重点实验室,辽宁 大连 116023
Effects of Temperature on Growth, Reproduction and Morphological Plasticity of Water Fleas Daphnia hyalina
ZUO Jiaqi, ZHAO Wen, WEI Jie, DONG Chenghao, CUI Jingdan, YANG Ban
Liaoning Provincial Key Laboratory of Aquatic Biology, College of Fisheries and Life Sciences, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China